Year 6
September 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to year 6! It’s lovely to see everyone back at school again and ready to continue with their learning.
In English we are reading Kindlekrax and will be working on using descriptive language, extending our range of sentence punctuation and understanding writing for different purposes. In Maths we will continue learning our timestables, the four operations (+ - x ÷) and working with decimals. Our Science topic for this half term is the Human Body. We will study the heart, the circulatory system, the digestive system and how to keep fit and healthy. There are lots of fun experiments in this topic (including making blood!). Our History, Geography and Art topic for the half term is ‘The Battle of Britain’ which will be supported by our trip to Kench Hill at the end of September. The children will learn about the causes and lasting impact on life in Britain of this event.
We will be sending homework each Friday and this should be returned by Wednesday.
Homework Set |
Homework Due |
Wednesday |
In addition to weekly homework, we expect all children to read for at least 15-20 minutes each day. Reading is a fundamental part of the children’s development and it has a positive impact on comprehension skills, writing, maths and many other subjects. Children should complete their reading records to evidence the reading they have done and bring these to school every day where they will be checked by your child’s teacher.
Information Session
On the 21st September, there will be an opportunity for you to meet with the Year 6 teaching team to learn more about the curriculum and your child’s learning for the year ahead. This will take place from
3:45 – 4:05 in person or 4:10-4:30 via Zoom.
Uniform and PE Lessons
Make-up and jewellery, with the exception of stud ear-rings and a watch are not allowed. All children are expected to wear full school uniform at all times. PE for Year 6 will be on a Thursday. Children will need to come to school wearing a PE kit and a pair of trainers. If there is a medical reason that your child is unable to do PE please send in a signed note or contact the office.
This year, Camden Music Service will continue to provide Year 6 children with specialist music lessons each week teaching either the trumpet or the trombone for free. Please encourage the children to practise at home.
We would like to remind you that school starts at 9:00. The gates will be open at 8:50. The school day ends at 3:30.
We look forward to continuing working with both you and your children. If you should have any general questions regarding the year ahead, please do not hesitate to contact us through
Lysander Code, Claire Dinata and Flora Harris.